Cieľom projektu je vytvorenie náučného chodníka na existujúcich turistických trasách v Pieninách, ktorý turistom priblíži tématiku bezpečnosti v horskom teréne a oboznámi ich aj o okolitej topografii. Plánované je osadenie informačných tabúľ a fotomáp s popisom okolitých hôr, na trasách:

1. Červený Kláštor – Cerla – Targov – Lesnica

2. Červený kláštor  – Plašná – Lesnické sedlo – Vysoké Skalky – sedlo Rozdiel – Obidza.

Turisti sa vďaka tomuto novému turistickému produktu dozvedia, ako sa správne pripraviť na turistiku, ako sa zachovať v rôznych kritických situáciách počas horskej turistiky, takisto budú môcť načerpať vedomosti na tématiku okolitej topografie či fauny a flóry v Pieninskom národnom parku. Spustenie náučného chodníka je plánované v druhej polovici mesiaca jún 2020. Projekt realizovaný vďaka podpore Medzinárodného Vyšegradského Fondu

Partneri projektu:

Grupa Podhalanska GOPR

Horská Služba CR - Jizerské Hory

Pieninský národný park

PROJECT "Education trail of mountain rescuers"
The aim of the project is to create a nature trail on the existing hiking trails in Pieniny, which will familiarize the tourists with the topic of safety in the mountain terrain and acquaint them with the surrounding topography. It is planned to install information boards and photo maps describing the surrounding mountains, on the following routes:
1. Červený Kláštor – Cerla – Targov – Lesnica
2. Červený kláštor  – Plašná – Lesnické sedlo – Vysoké Skalky – sedlo Rozdiel – Obidza.
Thanks to this new tourist product, tourists will learn how to properly prepare for hiking, how to behave in various critical situations during mountain hiking, and they will also be able to gain knowledge of the surrounding topography, fauna and flora in the Pieniny National Park. The launch of the nature trail is planned for the second half of June 2020. The project was implemented thanks to the support of the International Visegrad Fund
Project partners:


PROJECT "Education trail of mountain rescuers"


The aim of the project is to create a nature trail on the existing hiking trails in Pieniny, which will familiarize the tourists with the topic of safety in the mountain terrain and acquaint them with the surrounding topography. It is planned to install information boards and photo maps describing the surrounding mountains, on the following routes:


1. Červený Kláštor – Cerla – Targov – Lesnica


2. Červený kláštor  – Plašná – Lesnické sedlo – Vysoké Skalky – sedlo Rozdiel – Obidza.


Thanks to this new tourist product, tourists will learn how to properly prepare for hiking, how to behave in various critical situations during mountain hiking, and they will also be able to gain knowledge of the surrounding topography, fauna and flora in the Pieniny National Park. The launch of the nature trail is planned for the second half of June 2020. The project was implemented thanks to the support of the International Visegrad Fund


Project partners:

Grupa Podhalanska GOPR

Horská Služba CR - Jizerské Hory

Pieninský národný park